Job Seeker Toolkit

2.0 LinkedIn Advanced

2.0 LinkedIn Advanced

Once you are comfortable navigating LinkedIn, it can be a versatile tool to help you in your job search, expanding your network and even learning new skills.

Job Search and Networking 

LinkedIn Learning is a feature within the platform that provides users online courses to make them more competitive on the job hunt and keep up to date on various skills in their industry. 

Examples of courses offered in LinkedIn Learning:

  • Project Management Foundations
  • Cross Cultural Intelligence
  • Web Design
  • Relationship Management
  • Body Language for Leaders

Any time you complete a course through LinkedIn Learning, you will receive a digital certificate which you can add to your profile. Taking a digital course is a great way to stay engaged while you are searching for work, while learning new skills that are relevant to your industry. 

Follow us on Linkedin

Searching for Jobs on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has its own job board that companies and recruiters post to regularly, so if you’re on the hunt for a new position, this tool is great. 

To search for jobs on LinkedIn, click the Jobs icon at the top of the page. 

This will take you to all the job listings that are relevant to the skills and experiences you have listed in your profile, so you can begin to browse postings you are interested in. 

Some postings will require you to follow a link to a company website to finish applying for it, while others will come with an option to apply directly with your LinkedIn profile. 

Always be sure to read job postings thoroughly. 

Networking on LinkedIn

One of the best features of LinkedIn is its capacity to allow people to network. If you’re looking for experts in your field who are willing to engage with you to share advice as you navigate your job search, LinkedIn is a great tool that lets you reach out to professionals who are already employed in your field of interest.

By clicking the My Network icon at the top of the page, you will be directed to people with similar backgrounds as you. Reaching out to other people is a great way to expand your network, get advice on advancing your career and even leads on potential opportunities. 

LinkedIn allows you to network digitally and connect with people who may currently be in your dream job. Sometimes, saying hello and introducing yourself through a short message is an excellent way to gain a new connection and leverage LinkedIn as a networking tool to help you grow.

We would love to support you on your journey to land your next job.

By taking a look at the information in this toolkit, we will be better equipped to help you by delivering tailored services that align with your background, interests and skills. 

Accessible Employment Services is able to help you navigate your job search. By signing up for our program, you can participate in comprehensive workshops about resume and cover letter writing, job interviews, digital job search skills and the attitudinal aspects of job hunting that will make a positive impact on your journey.

Reach out to us today!

Our team of Employment Counsellors and Specialists are fully equipped to work with you individually to help you meet your goals and land meaningful work. 

Contact us at 647-933-1426

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