Eligibility Criteria and Employment Services
To be eligibile for Accessible Employment Services you must:
- Be at least 16 years old;
- Be a resident of Ontario;
- Eligible to work in Canada; and,
- Be unemployed, underemployed (e.g., earning below minimum wage or working in a role that underutilizes your skills), or seeking support to transition into more competitive or fulfilling employment, while not currently enrolled in full-time education.
Our employment services include:
Employment Preparation Services
- One-on-one Needs Assessment and Service Planning
- Facilitation of ODSP Employment Supports application
- Career Exploration and Support
- Employment Counselling
- Job Search Strategies and Support
- Job Search Marketing Documents Development – Online Profile Development, Cover Letter/Resume Writing, and Online Application
- Review of Workplace Accessibility and Accommodation Recommendations
- Information and Support to Employers Who Hire Persons with Disabilities
- Work-Site Modification Resources
Referral to Education/Training or Skills Enhancement Programs
- Post-secondary learning and skill development opportunities
- Formal apprenticeship training
- “Intern” training opportunities
- Targeted skills training within an occupation or sector
- Private training operations
- Online learning resources such as Accenture Learning Exchange – Skills to Succeed and LinkedIn Learning.
Referral to Wrap-around Support Programs and Services
Including SCI Ontario’s Peer Program and Regional Services and other community support programs that support overcoming current challenges such as:
- Social isolation
- Mental health and addictions
- Food security
- Lack of interview clothing
- Personal care
- Transportation assistance
- Child care assistance
Job Matching and Job Placement with or without incentives
Referral to Adaptive and Assistive Technology Assessment Services
For participants who need to learn and use technologies, tools and equipment, ergonomic aids, and specialized transportation.

Let’s get started, together.
Contact the Accessible Employment Services team and we’ll find a time to reach out and get you the support you need.